
he is listening to her mother about the yellow dog. she is going to kill the yellow dog. she forgets this sentence after she sits with her dying. the machine talking with her about the dying. the dog doesn’t need flowers. the dog needs a doctor. so does she. but they waited too long so the doctor will come in the morning. she met her brother’s girlfriend. he didn’t feed her. he didnt know to. he did help her. the next morning she cleaned out eight garbage bags. full of fresh petrified trash from her room. its not close to clean. still mouse droppings covered in dust crusted in ten years of kept house notes and receipts. she laundered the small ones. for the small one. he needed to do laundry. she wants to swim in the ocean. thats an easy sentence. she wants him to kiss her and fuck her. she wants more than that with him. there’s a reason she didn’t talk to them for ten years. she forgives easily. he insulted her kindness. he insulted her dog and cursed her for about 16 seconds because she said that sunflower was her cat. he insulted his softness. she honestly doesn’t remember. she likes his softness the most. other than he’s not her brother anymore and she has neither mother or father. and yet they also are. her mother only moans her father spins webs of disappointment. they say thank you and goodnight. and what she does know is – get me the fuck out of here. maybe it is good I came. no one can tell her whether to come out. or what what worth means. or love.

I was working at a school in europe and my horse chic was my transportation. this was dreamy and completely sweet. then I thought about getting back together with my evil ex and having wax but instead we broke up kindly and my horse was trailered to my barn. I made up her stall. then she turned into my cat lily. I bought masks a little wild card.

when transience considered bliss

I’m cold in a tropical forest of

festive peanuts

for christmas breakfast my class will instruct me to make somtam

every encounter is one where we learn to encounter ourselves

1004 days ago, is either extremely specific, or incredibly random

rumination is complete ruin

acid, we really care

I really wish that I had a family for my life.

pull out the sweater vests

love notes weighted in cement to

we lived & loved more

and we understood the past

selfie revolutions

seven hours later I found some flowers