we lived on a romantic comedy

on a spaceship

some of the time

I rode horses on a spaceship, a corral made of broken construction cups


found the club, yellow hollywood

.               percussive                                 (swing cunts) didn’t punch

holidays with winters in the evening

like moab flirts me

on a you were always on my spaceship


it is time praying plaster             air  graffiti

of coke sunset butterflies fucking

always finds me

because I think, we went to jazz


the (trim trees

take a strange slice,                        of you

paper cups of cake

venn cranberry drawers

of diagrams



crazy    horse jazz                      trios watercolors

his keyboard

, underground                                       [blown out]

laughs, blue her candle


cells     people into shrunken doors




fills the pink

pale ceilings


secret (strings

in ambrosia